Balancing Your Grocery Budget: 11 Tips to Help You Save Money

Eating healthy and delicious food while still staying within your budget is possible. Here are 11 tips to help you learn how to balance your grocery budget.

Balancing Your Grocery Budget: 11 Tips to Help You Save Money

Eating healthy and delicious food while still staying within your budget is not only possible, but it can also be enjoyable and straightforward. Here are 11 tips to help you learn how to balance your grocery budget. The amount of money each household spends on food varies depending on the level of income and the number of people who need to be fed. If you're not sure where to start, consider using a shopping calculator.

In 1950, people spent around 30 percent of their income on food, but this percentage has dropped to between 9 and 12 percent today. As a starting point, allocate 10 percent of your income to food and increase it if needed. Dine out less often and cook more at home. Make a list based on your meal plan for the upcoming week and don't enter a supermarket without it. Stick to the items on your list and don't pick up extra things from the shelves just because they catch your eye.

You may be surprised to find that the most nutritious foods are usually the most affordable. We have all heard the phrase “ignorance is bliss”. But is it really? You should stop ignoring your bank account balance. You don't want to keep having small heart attacks every time you check your balance, but rather spend them wondering if you can afford what's in your cart. Most foods fall into the “staple items” category, but not all items in the supermarket qualify as basic items. To make sure you're getting the most value for your money, look for items that are in season, buy in bulk when possible, and compare prices between stores. Finally, don't forget to take advantage of coupons and discounts when available.

With a bit of planning and research, you can easily save money while still eating healthily.

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