Healthy Grocery Shopping: What to Buy and Why

Learn what foods are the healthiest options when shopping at the grocery store! From frozen vegetables to canned fish, find out what foods should be part of your shopping list.

Healthy Grocery Shopping: What to Buy and Why

When it comes to stocking up on healthy food, the grocery store can be a great place to start. From frozen vegetables to canned fish, there are plenty of options that can help you stay healthy without breaking the bank. Here's a look at some of the healthiest foods you can find in the grocery store and why they should be part of your shopping list. Frozen vegetables are a great way to add nutrition to your meals without having to worry about them going bad. Low-fat frozen yogurt mixed with frozen fruit makes a quick and healthy shake, and you can even use frozen fruit in some baked goods.

Plus, stocking up on frozen products means you won't have to return to the store all week. Canned vegetables may have some enemies, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try them. According to Food Network, canned fruits and vegetables can be just as healthy (if not more so) than their fresh counterparts. Canned corn is great for adding color to recipes, and canned tomato paste is an essential pantry item that's even easier to cook with than fresh tomatoes. Rice is a versatile food that goes well with just about anything else you have in your pantry or fridge. Pair it with beans and vegetables for a delicious dish, or add some chicken with sauce for an easy meal.

Don't dismiss rice as an unhealthy food - enjoy it in moderation. When it comes to pasta, normal white pasta is usually cheaper than whole wheat pasta and much less expensive than gluten-free pasta. Buy it, pair it with a homemade sauce, add some extras (like canned beans or frozen vegetables), and enjoy. Canned fish, such as tuna, has a bad reputation in some circles, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy some cans the next time you go to the grocery store. Canned tuna is packed with protein and one of the best food sources of vitamin D. Plus, it's usually cheap and non-perishable. Eggs are great for breakfast, but don't limit yourself to one meal of eggs a day.

They can be included in a lot of different recipes and offer a lot of protein. According to the Mayo Clinic, the cholesterol found in eggs doesn't seem to be harmful to human health. Potatoes are high in calories and carbohydrates, but that doesn't mean you have to eliminate them from a healthy diet. Healthline explains that potatoes offer a wide variety of health benefits and are full of the nutrients we need to survive. If you follow a gluten-free diet, flour is a great natural pasta substitute. It usually requires some prep work, but having flour on hand is always a good idea.

You can use it to make homemade bread, pasta and other baked goods, or as a thickener in many recipes. Finally, don't be afraid to switch up your proteins. If you normally buy minced meat, try chicken or turkey for a week. Ground beef contains a lot of protein and can help you stay full for longer. Beans are also an excellent source of protein.

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