What day is slowest at grocery stores?

Many stores open deals on Wednesdays, so Wednesday morning is a good time to get a bargain. But this depends on when the local grocery store publishes its weekly ads.

What day is slowest at grocery stores?

Many stores open deals on Wednesdays, so Wednesday morning is a good time to get a bargain. But this depends on when the local grocery store publishes its weekly ads. Do some research and see that same day. You'll be able to choose from all the new items on sale before they're made with them.

The internet is full of advice on what is the best day of the week to go shopping. Most will tell you that it's Wednesday, because stores start their sales for the next seven days on Wednesdays and some are still respecting the previous week's sales. Many stores in my area, for example, start their sales on Sunday or Monday, and they never have a day when the sales of the previous week and the following week are good. If you want the best shopping experience, go to the store on a Wednesday morning, a store employee told Reader's Digest: “The new offers will start and the old ones are likely to remain in place for the rest of the day.”.

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